Battle between the 'Fan-boys' and the 'Fan-men'.
by core_N on Comments
Lately I've noticed that everywhere I turn, some young kid is bashing the Sony PS3 for no apparent reason. At first, I thought nothing of the comments & attitude they were unleashing on customers at stores, random people discussing gaming, or even there local game retail guru's. However, then I began to wonder if they were right or wrong. This led me to the wonderful world of cyberspace. Here, there is more knowledge and tons of BS surrounding everything about both consoles and the smaller ones. However, I began to realize that these young kids were believing absolutely anything. Literally, if it is posted on their favorite forum, IT IS THE HOLY WORD OF TRUTH!!! Damn anyone who hasn't the brains to know it as fact without skepticism. Those of us who possibly question anything are old, stupid, & BIASED!!!! Gotta love that last one. I asked several of them if they even owned a console. Bet you can't guess which ONE (note only 1, not both) that they owned.....Ding-Ding-Ding!!!! Correct: "I have a 360...Duh old guy! I wouldn't waist my money on a PS3, they break all the time." That response is usually followed by my evil smirk of the devil's advocate. You see, I own all the systems on the market. Not just one or two. I like games and gaming, so I have them all. Funny thing about my consoles though is that my 'box' has been sent back 3 times for the same thing. My '3' hasn't even locked-up or frozen in over a year. I turned it on and left it on. No joke. Anyways, before I rant all morning, I'll get back to my ADD-rattled cranial juxtaposition. I'm NOT A FAN-BOY! You young people are the FAN-BOYS. I am an intelligent adult, who studies all sides of something; always questioning reason, because most of the cyber-news out there is reverberated bulls@#t. False statements and sometimes even jokes that are intended to trash those people, products, or items in this world that are actually sound in structure, design, belief, or whatever else the case may demand. I just want all of you '360-Heads' to do one thing. No.....make that two things. First: Stay in school and ATTEND CLASSES! Hopefully the teachers here in America can still save you instant-gratification, I-am-what-I-wear, brainless, all-believing, code-babies...something about math, science & maybe even that commercials in-between shows aren't TRUE STATEMENTS OF FACT. Jeez! Second: Now listen carefully, because this is important......When your waiting 2 months for the UPS guy to bring you a cardboard box that never arrives, DO NOT GO TO THE STORE AND BUY ANOTHER 360!!! I mean it. Instead, THINK BEFORE YOU BUY!!! If your product never worked right and the company never did what they said they would (remember the box), they ARE NOT THE TYPE OF PERSON YOU DO BUSINESS WITH!!!! On-the-other-hand, you can continue to pay them an exorbitant amount of money each year to do absolutely nothing for you, EXCEPT FIX yours and all your friends consoles. Keep on telling yourselves that 'L33T_Boy91' really did hack into the WindBlows Master System and saw the specs on a new prototype Xbox720, and that there was a memo detailing how every 360 owner was going to get a free one if only they keep waiting for the release to be announced. Oh...and lets not forget that while L33T_Boy91 is the most truthful person You have never actually met offline, PS_Killer_88 has newer info. He claims to know a guy, who knows a dude, who heard a stripper in line at GamePots Scratched Disc Store tell everyone privy enough to hear that a girl she dances with has a brother, that 'cleans the pool' of a MILF, who is the wife an SCEA Executive and she screamed out in joy that: "All of the PS3 consoles are bursting into flames and smoking, because the new blue-ray laser is so hot that it makes the machine literally melt into a blackish blob of C4." LOL! Sorry, I just had to show how ridiculous some of the things I've heard recently being said truly are....CRAZY!!!! MY POINT: One system is superior, because it was not rushed to market, nor was it cheaply put together. The other system, would have been Great, but the Massive Organization that owns it has dropped the ball more than once, and I honestly don't see them fixing the issues anytime soon. So, PLEASE for the love of Pac-Man.....Please don't believe everything you hear. Also, it is OK to admit when you've made a mistake (or bought a faulty piece of technology), because the world won't think your 'membrane' is small just because you spent a lot of money on garbage. When your in the wrong, admit it. "I chopped down the cherry tree!" There, now doesn't that feel better. Now you know that I won't laugh at you for being realistic, but I will ROFL at you for believing blatant lies and defending a broken box. Play whichever you like best, but DO NOT make fun of your elders for buying a superior piece of technology. They are the ones that will be hiring you in a few years, so delete all those 360 Love pics from your My-Space page and go play outdoors till the UPS Truck arrives. LOL! I'll be watching a movie, or playing a game, or surfing the web, or ..... you get the idea. ****"SHEW!!!! I feel much better now." I'm sure it makes no sense, but neither do 98% of the things I hear on a daily basis. Kids these days.....I swear....LOL! ];-*P