"Yeah, right..."
by coreyb42 on Comments
You know what bugs me? Watching an action movie or some kind of sci-fi and the guy next to me keeps saying "yeah, right," as if this is some sort of documentary we're watching. Don't you think we lost all semblance of reality when the dude in Transporter 2 managed to use the magnetic crane to remove the bomb from the bottom of his car by doing a barrel roll? I mean, what, you think you're solving the mystery of the movie by proving that it didn't really happen? Of course it didn't happen, you don't deserve a friekin' medal just because your disbelief isn't quite suspended. Yes, I notice those things, too. I don't feel the need to point out every single plot-hole, unreal action, or bad, obvious CG. I hate that, too, when somebody points out something that is obviously CG as looking like what it is. Take it from me, nothing looks exactly real, ever. Even Gollum, the most detailed, cool looking CG character to ever come to screen, didn't look close to real. You're not smart because you can point these things out, just obnoxious. Get over yourself.