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RE4 Easter Eggs, Leon and Luis

-If you run for a while, Leon will start to breathe heavily.

-The Special outfit acts as a Tactical Vest, whether you have one or not.

-If a chainsaw maniac kills Leon through an execution scene (rather than just
swinging and his head being destroyed), Leon puts his hands up against the
blade to protect as it is forced through his neck.

-Leon can hit the enemy when he drops from a zip line. The only instace where
noticed this was in the stage with the chopper, Leon hits JJ (chaingun guy) if
its near the drop point. Maybe it works in mercenaries.

-If you use the "C" stick to rotate the camera and then quickly tap the "R"
button, Leon quickly aims in that direction. You can even do some sort of
quick 90 degree turn by pressing in a rapid succession both left stick and "C"
stick in the same direction and quickly hitting the "R" button. Also you can
leave the "C" stick pressed in a direction and quickly tap the "R" button and
Leon starts turning. It works ok in open spaces or in mercenaries for the
enemies that try to flank you from the sides and also works better for the
right side.

-After your first encounter with Krausser, Leon will have a scar in the right
cheek for the rest of the game.

-When its raining you can see water hitting Leon's shoulders, this happens to
Ashley also but only in cinemas.

-When Leon is close to the place of an explosion, he'll duck a bit and cover
his face.

-The reason why you can still use the knife in Sadlers fight is because the
knife Leon used to save ADA was Krauser's.

-Leon also reacts to the enemies. He turns the head in the direction of
enemies or other ambient stuff like the bats in some areas.


-When Saddler spears Luis, you can see one of the buttons on his vest pop off.
This in itself is a nice detail, but even better, when his corpse is laying on
the ground, Capcom did make a point to keep that button missing.

-While on the cabin fight, if you kick a ganado and Luis is in the kickback
range, he'll act as if you shot him - grabs stomach, mutter "You shot me..."
I don't know if you can kick him into the cutscene though.

-When you are fighting along side Luis you'll notice that when an enemy grabs
him, he frees himself the same way Leon does.

-The quote you hear from the Luis bottlecap, collected at the shooting range,
is said during the cabin fight. Luis: "I told you!, no more than 50

-Also when the enemy grabs him and you shoot it, the bad guy will release Luis
then Luis will say: "I owe you one Leon".

-More, when you get hit in the cabin Luis will say: "Leon are you ok?".

-In the cabin if you shoot Luis enough you'll trigger a cinema where Luis
shoots you 2 times in the chest, giving a game over screen.

-In the cabin if you aim in Luis direction he'll duck like Ashley does.

-After hes dead zoom to his face, his eyes are closed.


I know that this isn't the right place to put this but I cant find any where else!! 

If you like RE4 but you don't know what the hell the Gandos are saying that look no more just read on.


       SPANISH                                   ENGLISH
1."Te voy a matar"                    1."Im going to kill you!"
2."No dejes que escape de la isla    2."Dont let him get away from island 
   vivo"                                alive" 
3."Mira!... esta herido"              3."Look! he is hurt"
4."Ahi esta!"                         4."There he is"
5."Morir es vivir"                    5."To die is to live"
6."Gojedlo!"                          6."Grab him!"
7."Detras de ti, imbecil!"            7."Behind, you imbecil!"
8."Te coji!"                          8."Gotcha!" or "I **** you"
9."Muere, muere...."                  9."Die, die...."
10."Sera mejor que empiezes a rezar"  10."You Better start praying"
11."Basta hijo de ****"               11."Stop you son of *****"
12."Matenlo!"                         12."Kill HIM!"
13."Muerete!"                         13."DIE!"
14."Te voy a romper en pedazos"       14."I'll breack you in to pieces"
15."Un forastero!"                    15."A foreigner!" or "A stranger!"
16."Cerebro, cerebro, cerebro"        16."Brain, brain, brain"
17."Es hora de aplastar(lo)"          17."Is time to crush (crush him)"
18."Mi**da"                           18."Poo"
19."Puedes correr pero no resistir"   19."You can run but can't resist"
20."Te voy hacer picadillo"           20."I'll make you mincemeat"
21."Sos cerdo"                        21."You are a pig"
22."Donde estas?!"                    22."Where are you?!"
23."Esta en la trampa!"               23."She/He's in the trap"
24."Dale!"                            24."Hit him!"

What you hear from the first villager (Ganado) in the game means:
-What the **** are you doing here?!
Get out bastard!

What you hear from the villagers (Ganados) in the cliff near the wooden bridge
-A foreigner!
-Let's warn the others.

What you hear when you enter the building with the shotgun means:
-Dont let him get away!
-Grab him!
-Go from behind
-Block him
-He has fallen in the trap
-There's no turning back!
-Catch him!
-Im going to kill you!

What you hear when the villagers enter the bulding means:
-Ohhh!... The bell.
-It's time to pray.
-We have/need to go.
-Lord Sadler.