Hi guys and gals,
How are you all doing? Wow, I logged into GS to find the Sophia is leaving GS :(, But I do wish her all the best ;). Okay, I really do not know how many of you are going to read this, but for those who are still with me. I have some news, not the best but I have a history of siezures. There are different ones, mines was controlled for a long time and gaming was not a problem. But my Moms passing has affected me more then I ever thought.
Until a couple of months ago, or little more. During game play, I would feel my head getting numb and tingling and my eyes would get very blurry, just a wierd feeling. Knowing all along that I should not be playing for so many hours, I am an adult, I should know better, blah, blah blah. So after many Doctors and testing, they asked me, Do you still play those video games and of course I said yea sure every now and then. And out of my Hubby's mouth I hear him say NO she plays non stop, thats her hobby and she loves it.
The look of my Dr's face was not a happy one, because I gently kicked my hubby :shock:. Bottom line, I miss my video games, am still buying them. Becuase I will start playing again!! I do not know when but I will 8). Also, I will be going back to the hospital on Monday for IV antibiotics, cause there is other things happining. Dang having a chronic illness really sucks!! But I am a fighter.
So to everyone who remebers me, and those who don't,:roll:I wish you all the Happiness in Life :). Please have fun and enjoy being alive. Because God knows I do and will continue ;).
Hugs & Kisses to all
p.s. The puppies are doing awesome :).
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