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Bondathon (6) - A View to a Kill

Bondathon (6)

Last night on the Bond agenda it was...


I'm in the definite minortiy here, but I really like this Bond movie! It has a brilliant plot that, for it's time, seemed fresh and modern and very believable villains. Honestly, Christopher Walken was born to play a Bond villain! Patrick MacNee's character of Sir Godfrey was a nice edition that made for some great comic interaaction between himself and Bond. The Golden Gate Bridge finale is one of the most memorable and iconic of the series and the soundtrack is simply excellent: the arrangement when Bond is rescuing Stacey from City Hall is amazing.

However, as with most other Bonds, I do have a few problems:

  • The safest part of an Bond is the famous gunbarrel sequence: after all, you can't really go wrong with it? However, the fact that even in 1985 they're reusing footage from 1977, meaning Bond is STILL wearing flares, doesn't exactly set the audience up to believe this is going to be a first cla$$ piece of cinema!
  • The PTS is one of the worst in the film's history: I'm honestly not whether it is trying to be self mocking or actually trynig to be taken seriously! I mean, who's wise idea was it use "California Girls"?!?!
  • To simply put it, Tanya Roberts can't act and the character suffers from it. However, it's quite easy to get by as she clearly looks the part!

Most of the anti-AVTAK brigade use Moore's age as a deciding factor for hating this film. Yes, he is getting on a bit and you really do feel for Fiona Fullerton in that scene, but for me it's something I can easily get by.

People are going to hate me for this, but I'm going to say it: "A View to a Kill" is one of the better Bonds! There, done!


Also on the agenda for last night was "You Only Live Twice", however I only got 2/3 of the way through it. Therefore, I'll finish it off tonight and report back tomorrow ;)

Tonight also sees the introduction of my personal favourite Bond, Mr Timothy Dalton, in...

The Ranking

AVTAK slides in halfway down the list at the number 6 spot, just narrowly been beaten by GE.

- From Russia With Love
- Goldfinger
- Dr. No
- On Her Majesty's Secret Service
- Goldeneye
- A View to a Kill
- Thunderball
- For Your Eyes Only
- Octopu$$y
- Moonraker
- Diamonds are Forever
