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Spearow and its evolved forom easily surpass pidgey and the gang in competative battling. Fearow has weaker HP and special attack than pidgeot, however special attack isn't very neccessary for flying types. Fearow boasts about 85% speed, with pidgeot lingering at about 60%. If you are a conservative fighter who likes to slowly wittle down your opponent's pokemon, then pidgeot is for you. But if you're looking for more of a powerhouse, get a fearow instead.

movelist w/out TMs, HMs, and tutors:

Drill Peck - Roost - Growl (Fearow has poor defense)- Arial Ace

Pursuit is also something to think about, considering that it's damage doubles when used first in a turn, and fearow has great speed. Agility is unneccesary for obvious reasons, and assurance is useless because Fearow will often attack first, negating assurance's effect.