Usually when you send your 360 off to be repaired you actually receive a different unit back. The unit you receive back can either be a refurbished unit, or a completely new unit. You never know what you're going to receive back but the quality of either is pretty much the same. You will receive a working unit that costs much less than buying a new 360 from the store.
That was the longest sentence I've ever read! Let me get this straight... you plugged in your 360 and it is not turning on? Is there a light in the centre of the power button? Is there a light on the power brick, if so, what color is it? Try to be specific and clear when asking a question so we can narrow down the possibilities for you :)
My bad on believing the Elite to be limited edition. I remember hearing the rumors of that before the Elite was formaly introduced and with the current shortage of supply of the system in my area it seemed to reinforce the rumors.
On cooling, my Elite doesn't seem to run cooler than the Premium. This is just by feel of the system after gaming for a few hours.
I'm not sure if anyone has tried this, but anyone know if i put a pair of rechargeble AA battery inside the wireless controller, hook it up to 360 as a wired, will it recharge those batteries while im playing?cybermario
We had two Premium 360's in our house and bought an Elite and sold one of the Premiums. It doesn't run cooler and is actually louder than the Premium. That just the one system though as the other Premium we had was also pretty loud. Right now there are no games that are 1080p but the HDMI cable is nice.
Elite's were limited edition but I believe that was only the black edition. I don't know if retailers will be receiving any more but I also thought they were eventually going to release the Elite in the white? I may be completely off my rocker but I thought I remembered hearing that or rumors like that.
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