LANDI!!!!......this guy..just..irritating, charismatic , and cannot be killed, no..on that regard though,,it was SEGA the real bad guy. gave us sweet candy only to steal it from us and loose it when we desperately need it
what a waste of power! DirectX11 GPU like 6950 or 570 could gave us more realistic visual then this crap, where's that DX11 tesselation feature? i dont see any major improvement over DX9 on this game . Bioware should check their Graphic Departement, Heck..even DA:O looks better then this
the worst denial on my gaming life... simply RED RING RICO of Phantasy Star Online.. 2 years wasting only to reach an ultimate MODE...playing day by day only to see her face and hoping get her as companion But sadly,..after all those long journey,..
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