heres a comment from someone who knows about creating games for the PS3... The amount of storage space the PS3 allows for texture work (diffuse, normals, spec...) is not as high as the 360. The PS3 however excels at their particle effects systems. so... Textures = 360 Particles = PS3 and also... they should have played with the 360's light settings... all their images look so much darker than they have to be...
Yea BlueSora I agree with you about the below 7.0 rating thing... That's why I said we can do wtihout the bottom of the list. Because the people who really wanted to play a pirates game most likely bought it at full price when it first came out, and no price drop is going to convince anyone else that it is worth their time.
Why is everyone getting their panties in a bunch with this article? So what if Gamespot has some kind of deal with Best Buy? How do you think they make the money to fund all their expenses that brings us up to date news on the videogame world? They have to pay their staff, buy computers, consoles, promotional material, rent for their building, the most likely high electricity bill, and the list goes on. Advertising is how websites, television, and radio generates money. People like JakeXsoftware saying things like, "Can you say "Sell Out"? " act as if they do not know this. Your not a sell out for trying to stay in business. Though perhaps we could have done without the bottom portion of the list... :)
cowmaster2k3's comments