Being looking at the available concoles and well have come up with this;
The Wii does not compare with the 360 or the PS3 in any way, that is not to say it is better or worse but a different concept in gaming.
It's graphics are acceptable but never going to compete with the other next-gen consoles, the games are pretty naff at the minute (Zelda being a very big exception) but looking to get better and soon.
But what it does bring to the gaming community is 'FUN', watching Mum and Dad (granny to maybe) dancing around the room in Wii Play or Sport. With the 360 or PS3 they would only look on with fear in their hearts LOL
From a personal view point I like the Wii as a fun machine and looking forward to the use of a DS as a controller and all the other good stuff they have planned.
Now for the 360, nice console some have been prone to problem (touch wood) I have not been a victim but have heard some real horror stories. Graphically the games look good, the catalogue of available games is quite large and varied. However I feel that something is missing (and this will probably sit in the PS3 section to) I get the impression it is a little 'up itself', concentrating to much on making the games look good but forgetting about originality and gameplay. I am not talking fun as in the Wii because this and the PS3 are more serious game player offerings to make a point I own 23 360 games very few are completed, I think 3 grabbed me sufficiantely to bother. The majority are played for a few days them when the newness wears off the games starts to feel like most other games in the genre, what ever that genre is. Even the beloved Gears of War was only a FPS but with stunning graphics and enough hype to land a man on the moon (nice game but not really innovative).
Would add lots of text about the PS3 but don't own one, can't own one until March due to the usual regional rubbish that the gaming industry seems to love. But I am getting the impression from the street vib that it to may have the sickness of the 360 game offerings though we hope that we are wrong and that it will make the M$ game offerings work harder at being original but I dounbt that that will be the case.
And as a point of interest I own the Wii and the 360 with a strong hope for the PS3 subject to the UK release numbers etc. and love them all for what they bring to gaming. I don't give a damn what I play on as long as I can enjoy playing it