coxmartin / Member

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Monday and Well Not That Successful a Weekend

Didn't get to play a great deal but when I did Smooth Moves caught me in the old just one more try scenario.

I need to trigger one more game on my current game set before I will move to the next set (I can move over now but principle forbides it) and it appears that I have to break the magic 30 successful games barrier and 29 is the best that I have hit so far.  Not that it matters as this game group keeps using old Ninty games as their base including Star Fox as the boss level LOL loved that back in the day and the odd snipet of Metroid Prime then a little Zelda for good measure.

Still waiting for a Component switch to arrive so that I don't have to disconnect the Wii for the 360 and visa versa but no sign, Ebay sellers seem to be in one of two catagories Fast efficiante or Crap.  This guy claimed he shipped on Wednesday from the states so mine got dispatched 2 days later on the Friday, normally US shipment takes 3-4 days currently on 10, Arghhh and then you have the positive/ negative feedback rubbish, you cannot leave negative feedback because they hold back and will give you negative in return, it should be double blind so neither knows what the other has put till you have both given it.

On a totally different noteeBay has Japanese PS3 going for $1,265 US making a profit or what LOL