coxmartin / Member

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Strange Evening

Planned to have a 360 evening mainly FEAR of cause, I want to try and get as far as possible before Crackdown comes out on Friday because I think that it will get shelved in favour of the new game and never touched agaian, not because it is not very good but because that is what I always do and it is to good a game to suffer that kind of fate.

Any way the plan failed, we had friend come over and I suffered the fate of being stuck with a male that doesn't like video games, instead wanted to talk football, yawn. I could have taken it if it had been rugby but football (soccer for those state side). He was although a nice chap the most boring of people and no matter how I tried could not get him interested in gaming or even that other trusted way to get the 360 turned on the HD demonstration LOL

I have heard it said that we gamers don't have a life, but have these accusers ever spent the evening with a footie fan? one that does not play but chooses to watch every, and I mean every match he can on the TV, sad, so very sad.  I mean they kick a ball it then either goes into the net or it doesn't how do you manage to talk to someone for 3 hours about that especially when they are desperately projecting gross boredom straight back at them. I can fake footie talk for an hour but 3, I wanted one of those FPS moments to de stress.