OK, the component switch finally arrived, Suzanne hide it the mare :-( took me an hour to find it as I would not bribe her for the coordinates of where she had hidden it.
Finally in possession of the switch I attach both the XB360 and Wii, then for the 64k dollar question 'Picture Quality'? not that bad really slight interference but fitting a ferrite ring sorted that and image quality is an acceptable trade-off for convenience.
So loading lost planet, very much a sibling of Gears of War, graphically not as good, game play on a par and all in all a nice little game to fill the void that is Jan/Feb in the release calendar.
Not sure if I would be harder on the game if there was anything else around to compare it to but I think not. The reviews say that it is to short and the first mission took me no time at all even with the leaving curve of the controls etc. I think I read somewhere it is about 7 hours to complete (for me that will be 24 LOL). It reminds me of the old 2d scrolling shooters where you work your way along a sent area then the big boss pops up you hit it and move on, very Capcom in feel.
Recommend giving it a try and do not judge by the demos they do not do the game justice.