If you want it buy it, if you don't don't but can we stop all this stupid childish ranting about who's console it best, 5 years olds in a play ground start their rants with ' My Dad is better that your Dad...' it seems after puberty it changes to 'My console is better that your console..'. They all have good points and they all have bad end of......
I am a 360 man personally, but GS your giving a very anti PS3 twist to your article I would have thought that a non biased approach would have been more professional?
Just a thought but as the European and Australian markets appear to be of a lower priority to the US and Japanese ones for Sony. Does this mean that they will also give a lower priority to the firmware updates they say will be being produced for the BC as this will only effect European and Australian?
Sony are saying the PS and PS2 game BC is not important because the new PS3 offering will out shine them making the BC stuff unneccessary. If that is the case why are they then intending to offer DL games from even older platforms? It appears that is is not important if it saves them money but essencial if they can milk us for more cash.
BC doesn't really bother me so much as the principle of being sold less for more. One thing that has not been mentioned will the US and Japanese market still be supplied with the emotion chipped machines or will they to eventually have the lesser machine?
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