My Xbox 360 core has started overheating after about 10 minutes of use but only does it on Black OPS. Someone please help! I am a poor student and cant afford a new console. I am so poor I drive a skoda felicia.
i think it is awful that im waiting for my 3rd 360 to come back which has already been away for 4 weeks and my last one was away for 6 weeks. the thing which really hacks me off is when i got it back the first time they gave ma a 1 month free livecard and the console had been away for 1 and a half! i had a 12 month subscription so i lost2 weeks live time for my 360 breaking. i dont see why microsoft dont give out a free game or 12 month subscription each time a console breaks as they make so much money its going to be pennys out of there annual profits
motorstorm is actualy a brilliant game and you are the first person i have heard saying that its a flop. i have heard a lot of people saying that halo3 beta was a flop and they are not looking forward to the game now. this is not biased as i am not a fanboy and own both systems (prefer 360 at the moment)
metroid isnt really up to the standards of the other two because it is being played on effectivley a last gen console. halo 3 will come out on top only because there are sooooooooooooo many more 360s out there than ps3s
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