I just bought it today at Wal-Mart just so I could get a chunk of the Berlin Wall. It's got grafiti on it and everything, which I was really hoping for. And it smells funny on the inside part but not the outside part. Choice wall chunk. ...and I heard it's really good. ...and it's loaded with Communists. I love Communists. They're like the terrorists of their day. Except they were "godless" Commies. Terrorist just have the wrong God. (if you believe Anne Coulter anyway) Commies are better though because they believe in equality but don't actually practice it. Unless you're an idealouge like Che, in which case you are clearly going to end up going nowhere. Still, I think it's dumb that it's taking place in 1989. I would have much preferred a Cuban Missile Crisis kind of scenario. 1980s Communism is sooooo "Red Dawn." (give yourself a brownie point if you read this far)Srinivassa
xmas is coming maybe your parents will buy you a brain finally
Say what you will, the fact remains Crysis' delivery did not match the hype by most people's standards. I don't believe it deserves that high of a score.SerOlmy
yeah i would give it a 9.8, btw i preorded it 1 month ago
The Orange Box, Gears got better than it deserved, Crysis should have gotten a 9.0 IMO since it was not as good or had any where near the value in The Orange Box.SerOlmy
you sound like a HL2 fanboy, so all games are crap for u except tho holy valve title
8.5 game for me, at best. I thought it had some serious gameplay problems. The atmosphere, visuals, story, and sound were all amazing though.OremLK
true but i would give it a 7.0. i mean its a shooter and it has the poorest weapon model in all shooters i ever played. the guns looks and "feels" like toys or something, i hated them
Cool. I beat it and haven't even thought of playing it again since. The game was so disappointing... such a waste of my money.
When a game is designed so that you cannot die on any difficulty, you know its going to be a cake walk... and damn, was BioShock a cake walk. The story was disappointing as well, the build up was great but then the ending just left you with that "what the ****?" feeling... and I didn't want to have to play such a boring game again just to get the "good" ending.
If you think BioShock is one of the best FPS's you've played, you need to branch out a little more, experiences some of the absolute gems from the past... heck, experience the mold BioShock was made with, System Shock 2.foxhound_fox
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