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crazedcommando9 Blog

Dead Rising

Still playing the game since it's release. Posted a review and a guide on it. :P I reccomend it for everyone. (except maybe like 7 year olds or something, or people who love chess and nothign else :/)


Yup I have Oblivion and it is so addicting. I have about 60 hours, Indeed beat the main quest, and have plent to do on the side. I'm a level 20 Knight.

The Xbox 360

Well, I had the Xbox 360 since christmas and I am having a blast with it. It is so addicting and I cannot stop playing it. Everytime I finally beat some games, new ones come out and I have fun once again. Cant wait till Elder scrolls. Alllright! My gamertag is Pancakemaster

DS Entry

Sorry I have to talk about the DS but I cant think of anything else to talk about today. I just finally got gamefly and it is awsome, much better then gamelender. I rented feel the Magix XY/XX and Lego star wars. Feel the magic is a really awsome game but I can predict that Im going to beat it in a couple of hours so Im trying to limit my gaming. I also got about 86% done with kirbys canvas curse which is an amazing game. I fear that playing on the DS's touch screen for about a year will skrew up the screen. I hope this does not happen but I hear there are screen protectors. All the gamespot members say it sucks and it is a waste of money. O well. My lego star wars game should arrive tomorrow and I wanted to play it for a while. But what I really want to play is God of War. That looks fantastic.

The Future of Gaming

Me and my friend had this conversation a while ago and then a topic from gamespots forum reminded me about it. In the future of course we all know the graphics are going to get amazing. But imagine far far into the future, how many times can graphics increase? It wont be long untill the graphics will look like real life and people wont be able to tell the difference. The scary part is that if the graphics get so real, imagine how blood an gore would be. People might turn insane or something of that matter wouldnt they? Well, I think not. Just like we can compare the Atari to the Xbox, that is tremendous change in graphics and back then people would think Halo was an actual video of someone. But we adapt to the grpahics so im sure things will stay the same. Im sure graphics cannot be improved much much later when they turn realistic so the only thing left would be to make AI just like a human. I think the only thing we should fear is virtual reality. It seems cool but I dont mean the virtual reality today, I mean virtual reality with graphics that look exactly like the real life. Hear no doubt everyone would go insane. We would spend days playing because it would be so much cooler then real life. Then with all the killing from action games we would become mentally unstable and most likly insane, prowling the streets killing innocent people that havnt tried virtual reality yet. Anyways Im sure the day will come and I hope it wont we as dramatic as I can imagine it. But let gaming move on for the better.

Console Side

Although I love playing computer games, especially since most games display better graphics then consoles, I still prefer playing my console. You can even see my collection which consists of all the PC games that I have. You will see that I don't have that many because I used to never play on the PC. Anyways as a console fan I prefer the Xbox to PS2 and Gamecube and I own both the Xbox and PS2. It is by far a much better system and I hope some idiots by now finally realize it is, console wise not game wise. I have noticed that the PS2 has offered a much larger variety of games and the xbox only had a hand full of awsome games. The Gamecube on the other hand, I find the worst (and I loved Nintendo back in the day) but it still has some really fun games although some are childish. I bought the DS and not the PSP because I found that a touch screen is innovative and PSP a waste of money. I have the PS2, a dvd player, and an Ipod, so what do I need a PSP for? I did not expect for the DS tough to not have any games out for it right now. But at the end of the year I see many cool looking games coming out. As for the future I am struggling in thinking what system I should buy, the PS3 or the Xbox 360. Me being an Xbox fan tells me to not even think about the PS3. But I do remember the PS2 having so many games out for it + the xbox 360 is coming out so soon while the PS3 actually took many years (actually too long) to be created. I guess I will wait even tough I can get the Xbox360 for my birthday I must wait it out to see what system is better.

First Entry

So, this is my first entry. Who ever is going to read this should first know that in most games I am known as PancakeMaster. I have created this name for myself about 3 years ago. The reason, well my favorite word is pancake, which I have said a lot in elemantary, and I decided to put the word Master after that. Anyways I am almost 16 years old and my goal in life is to become a Video Game Designer. As the years go by, and the more I learn about this career, the tougher it seems to be. Gamespot is an awsome site, which I use to find out the latest upcoming games, and the score of any game. If gamespot says its a bad game, I dont buy it nor play it, if gamespot says this game deserves a 9.0, I might buy it. The reason is because 90% of the time they are right. Currently I am playing Swat 4, which I just actually uninstalled because I ran out of computer space and World of Warcraft as I am trying to get to level 60. I recently bought Kirbys canvas curse for the DS which is a really fun game. Unfortunatly there are no other DS games out there worth buying, exept mario 64 which I already have. Anyways future journal entries will contain a variety of things and right now I am exited to become level 6, on gamespot, so I can review games.