maybe not? and how microsoft ****
by crazy_ferret123 on Comments
they just showed up, so never mind. microsoft sux. they keep creating all this hype for the 360 and keep bragging that they have it and the people who dont want to wait outside in the cold have to suffer the torment. i beat the kameo demo today, and i have to say that is the the best xbox/xbox 360 game of all time. the graphics are stunning. and the gameplay is new and unique. i love that game, but since i cant get it because BILL GATES wants more money off of the ebay auctions and selling them for like 1000 dollars. theres one on ebay selling for 2 million. and get this. it was SOLD!!!??????!!!!!!OMG WHO WOULD SPEND 2 MIL!!!!OMG i would liek to shoot the people who thought it would be a good idea to only ship every MOTHER FUKING YEAR!! I HATE YOU MICROSOFT