it is coming soon but i will not be able to play the gold due to eexams ( Insert Extreme Angry Face Here)
crazyduckv2 Blog
by crazyduckv2 on Comments
Why The hell did Gt5 get a 8... Hello! Best racing game ever. most reviews say it is better than forza 3 and it still gets lower? Where is the logic in that?There isn't any so all reviews review yo score and change it for the better
Is it posible a life game
by crazyduckv2 on Comments
well... ive been thinking is it possible that there could be a game life-like graphics online wich has every single place on earth and every little detail down to the ground. so its really like real life apart from you could do anything you want like shoot people. and if you die you could just respawn again it would be online so the whole world can play a would have shops which sell anything and you would could go into the game and feel,smell,touch,taste and see everything... then again thats impossible...... or is it??????
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