Video game addiction are bad. I was addicted to WoW for a time, but I don't think its as hard to overcome as my addiction to nicotine. Out of necessity I easily got off wow (i.e. no more money and my social life was taking a hit.) So I find them to be bad, but compared to some of the stuff out there, they aren't half as bad.
@Victor122982 There are people who are addicted to sex and food. Have you never heard of nymphomaniacs? People who are so addicted to sexual pleasures they cannot function properly in society, or if they can, they usually preform poorly because of their addiction. There are also thousands of people world wide addicted to food, and many treatment centers for both of these addictions. The point of this article is just trying to explain why and how people become addicted to games, because unlike heroine and methamphetamine, video games are not physically addictive, they are mentally addictive (i.e. they are not caused by your brains need of a fake chemical.) Furthermore, not everything is addicting in the least bit. Money, for one, is something many people see as material, and thus cast it aside. However, things like caffeine or nicotine are, and do become addictive. So no, this is not a lame article, its just showing that video game addictions are a very real and harmful thing.
Nothing special here. They look almost the same, I guess I'll just live with my xbox. However, I would enjoy a wii. Yeah they may not have hardcore graphics, but ill be damned if that s***t isn't fun as hell.
Here's the problem with a Beatles "rock band" game, that includes rhythm and instruments. The Beatles themselves weren't to "good" with their own instruments. To most musicians standards, they sucked. Now don't get me wrong I love the Beatles, all of their songs are great, its just, is it fair to make people think the Beatles were good with instruments. Or are they going to have Eric Clapton up there when you play "While My Guitar Gently Weeps?" So it sounds great in theory, being as The Beatles had some good songs, but in practice it would be more fictional than anything (unless of course it came with a sitar!)
All of the creatures in these new dungeons are just reskinned models. Half the new bosses look like they just took some random creatures from barrens and increased their size. I played up to 70 and now i just think blizzard needs to get something new. Their idea for a totally pvp zone just seems like an answer to WAR. The reason WoW was so great is because it was something fresh and new. Now its just re-used and recycled ideas.
Its also pretty revolutionary for the fact that you can fight in forge mode. I'm sure theres no p.c. or console game that has ever done that... It's also just a great game. If people would stop getting all defensive about how 'pc already did it' and just sat down and played, you'd probably enjoy it. Like all good games however, there are the few idiots who hate it because they played it for five minutes and sucked at it. So sorry to everyone who hates it, but seriously no one cares.
yes just a way to spend another 350$... o wait, no im not five any more, im old enough to restrain myself and not play video games for a week while im on vacation. If i want movies and videos i can buy an ipod, costs less and has more memory, i can always live without video games with crappy graphics.
Heres the thing, I don't really care how good the game looks. I'd take a fun game over a good looking game any day, thats why i have a 360 and think that the 800$ for the ps3 is just silly. If the price goes down i will buy one, but the 360 is a lot cheaper and I haven't played a game that isn't fun. So until the ps3 gets down to around 300 dollars ill be playing my 360.
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