I first bought the 80 gig when it was 500 bux then i gave it to my brother a yr later and finally went back and bought another one the 160 gig with motorstorm for another 500 bux an i love my system like man loves his va*ina
creepster32000's forum posts
1) Halo 3
2) Halo 3 they had F'in ballons up at Gamestop with a life size Halo dude
3) Halo 3 its decent but its not hype the crap outta me cause im gonna be the best to hit any of your systems
just compare it to XBL in price per month im not sure if i remeber right but i think a months service is 24.99 now times that by 12 lol an ya get 299.88 if thats the price then that means ps3 has gone to extremes dunno how much XBL is for a year but i heard somewhere in the 70's I'm just about to sell my ps3 an quit gaming altogether an become a drunkin wife beater an make my gf reenact metal gear scenes the game industry is a toss in the air to me anymore
WTH i have reason to belive that the reason why there locking some posts about bad thoughts on the coming halo 3 is got something to do with gamespot. Gamespot Just like many other game sites are Hugely paid off Bill Gates Is putting a large amount of his own money just to beat Sony. Why not just let it be a fair battle why do you have to pay a crap load of money just to monopoly another product. You Fanboys are so blinded by advertisement it just shows how easy the world can be brained washed by $$$ without letting it be known. But, nobody can tell you this you all denie it. Followers just keep following an Bill Gates is gonna leave you high an dry just like dell pc. Keep this in mind DVD-ROM can ONLY HOLD A VERY LIMITED AMOUNT OF ENCRYPTION... 360 is just holding the game world back of what it could really be... Thnx Bill
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