@Rydiafan013 @creezysheezy And I won't lose sleep over the fact that AAA has gone to shit catering to people like you. Enjoy your interactive Hollywood rip-offs.
@BARRICADE_28 And you base this on the fact they he gave an unproven, likely banal game like TLoU an 8? LOL at implying it's anywhere near the equivalent of SMB3 or The Godfather. People are still talking about those, this game will be forgotten by next year.
@butternut86 @granola_goodnes @philMcCrevis Which means nothing. The majority would have to prove they are experts on anything or have good taste, which so far they have not. Every new AAA is a masterpiece according to the Industry cartel. Until the hype dies down and they start pointing out flaws in a transparent attempt to regain credibility.
@MaddogQ80 Yes, there is something wrong. But not with this reviewer. People still think game sites are in anyway trustworthy, even after Doritosgate? This will be another one of these 10/10 games were all the reviewers will be talking about its flaws in a few months and how they need to improve for the sequel. Get a clue.
Never had an missing quest items or impassable doors in Morrowind or Daggerfall, which is as massive as it gets. It's not about size, but what Bethesda decides to give their attention to, what they prioritize as important to impress people superficially.
If you're talking geology study via video games, you're talking Dwarf Fortress. Not much to look at, but the geological and geographical models may be the most intricate in a game.
@Stevieweiser Hell, people are still playing Ultima 7 and finding new stuff (to them at least). SAme with Daggerfall, Morrowind, Gothic, Fallout 2, etc.
creezysheezy's comments