I realize I should wait until I'm more active with more people following me to post my writing, so more people could read it, but I just thought I would post this now since it was written about two years ago :P I've been editing it and all every once and a while, the most major change coming in about December of 2009 when I made several huge changes to the last half of the story. I like it, a lot of people on my Facebook do too,it probably needs a lot more editing to be "done", but I think it stands well right now where it is.
Because this was well over the word limit for Gamespot blogs, I decided to start a blog on blogspot.com where I'll post updates and my writing. I'll probably post here if I ever make any big new posts. Enjoy, and please comment on how you liked it, just follow the link ;)
Edit: And of course, mark spoilers in your comments if you're going to talk about them :P