The movie me and my friends made for New Testament class recieved fantastic reviews from people all over our class. We were, and still are, class heroes for our hilarious movie project. But as I said in the last blog in an edit, the teacher found it incredibly disrespectful (I could only find a couple things you could possibly find slightly disrespectful... Unless you call being light-hearted blasphemous).
The next conspiracy occured when we all found out we got a 20/100 on the project. This was the biggest assignment of the whole year, and our teacher bombed us with a 20%. It docked me 3 letter grades in that class. The next day, she told me that if I wrote a full script for the movie, she would add more points.
Firstly, it's unbelievable how low of a grade she even dared give us. We made a full fledged, 30 minute movie. We chose to do a movie, which was the hardest project choice you could do. We could've done a Powerpoint, or scrapbook where all you had to do was copy and paste stuff. At the lowest, I expected an 80% if the teacher was really so ticked off about it being "disrespectful".
THEN, the MAJOR blow happened today... When she ordered us to take the videos off of Facebook (there were only a few small clips which didn't even make the final cut) AND Youtube. If we didn't, she said she would flunk us and we'd have to retake the class next year.
There's one big problem with this order of hers... And it's that she has no right whatsoever to command us what to do on an outside program like Youtube. It is in no way related to school, and it is our choice to share it with the world. It's not like doing so is spreading the word of Satan, or promoting evil morals.... We just posted a video on Youtube that she personally found offensive, so she made us take it off.
In my mind, I was grumbling about this all day... I even considered not taking it down just to shove it in her face. But later I found out that she made Kenny, the holder of the Youtube account, delete it right in front of the whole class. The past few days, dozens of people have been coming up to me and complaining about how they think it's incredibly unfair of the grade she gave us, and that they didn't find the video offensive at all. So right now, we're basically class heroes.
But I guess no funnies are to be made in religion class.
It's incredible.