Life has been okay lately. Yesterday I got myself The Essential Collection of Metal Gear Solid, because I've been wanting to get into the series now for so long. I started the first last night, and am already about three fourths of the way through... It's not that long of a game, but I just want to get through the series so I can get to the fourth.. Where the real money is at =]
Not to say that I don't care about the other games, I really do... So far it has a great story, and the gameplay is also fun. and keeps me on my toes, unlike other games where I can mindlessly rampage through enemies without a second thought to the health I am pumping out.
But anyways, I also got the deluxe CD/DVD version of the first Notorious B.I.G. (I call him Biggie Smalls, but w/e) album, 'Ready To Die'. Since I've been busy lately, with work and my brother's birthday, I haven't listened to all of it. But so far... It's awesome =] I LOVE how old school it is, how cool and calm the lyrics are... Biggie really did a great job with these lyrics, and it saddens me to know that he is dead. My favorite tracks so far are "Warning", "Gimme the Loot", "Suicidal Thoughts", and especially "Things Done Changed". The thing I like about that last one is that the lyrics are so damn true. Go give it a listen. Another thing that sticks out in my mind about this album is how a lot of the tracks tell stories in themselves, and occasionally have a funny ending, like Warning, or just simply... an ending, like Gimme the Loot. Biggie Smalls is definitley one of the kings of Hip-Hop, and he keeps it just the way I like it-- Old school.
Otherwise, real life is... well, meh =/ I'm losing some of my friends, school is approaching, and I feel kind of out of place from everything... Distant. I don't know if it's because I've been away from school so long, or what... But things could certainly be better. I don't know what I'm going to do the rest of my high school life... Either struggle to become more social and by a stroke of luck find my permanent spot, or be forced to just wither away and slowly lose my good friends. I don't know... Anyone have any suggestions, hit me up =/