TheWartongue Posted Dec 20, 2008 5:29 pm MT that dead space ps3 pic is BS....i played that game to death and it never had a scene with those wierd lines going through his suit same here!!! what did GS do?! they screwed with the video options?!? this is total B**L S**T!
don't you just love how gamespot d**kheads are feeding all the fanboy hatred! I think that these graphic comparisons are stupid. if you haven't bought a system yet, go to any store selling them and try them out for yourself! I have all of the systems and I love them all. I simply like the PS controler over the xbox and Wii.
it's a good step forward, but not a real leap as they try to make it sound. where are the animals? dogs,cats, birds, rats, so on and so on. there is still room for improvement.
crimped's comments