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crowinblack2008 Blog

Over G Fighters - How To Get All The Mission Aircraft.

1. Start the game on "Easy".

2. Play the missions as shown below. If you do not do the missions as they are layed out below, then you will miss getting some of your aircraft.

Area 1.

Play "the only mission here" to unlock the F-14A.

Area 2.

Play mission "1.AI" to unlock the F-16C.

Play mission "4.DCA" (No aircraft to unlock, must play to unlock next mission).

Play mission "7.ANTI-SHIP" to unlock the F/A-18C.

Play "TACTICAL MISSION" to unlock the A-10A.

Area 3.

Play "TRAINING" (Carrier Takeoff & Landing) to unlock TF-18A.

Play "3.AI" (No aircraft to unlock, must play to unlock next mission).

Play "5.DCA" (No aircraft to unlock, must play to unlock next mission).

Play "7.ANTI-SHIP" to unlock the F/A18E.

Play "TACTICAL MISSION" to unlock the F-15J

Area 4.

Play "1.AI" (no aircraft to unlock, must play to unlock next mission).

Play "5.AI" to unlock the F-15C

Play "10.AI" to unlock the MiG29G

Play "TACTICAL MISSION 1" to unlock the F-117

Area 5.

Play "1.A1" (No aircraft to unlock, must play to unlock next mission).

Play "4.A1" to unlock the JAS 39A.

Play "8.A1" (No aircraft to unlock, must play to unlock next mission).

Play "TACTICAL MISSION 1" (No aircraft to unlock, must play to unlock next mission).

Play "TACTICAL MISSION 2" to unlock the Su 27.

Area 6.

Play "1.CAP" (No aircraft to unlock, must play to unlock next mission).

Play "6.CAP" to unlock the F-16AM

Play "TACTICAL MISSION 1" to unlock the F-15E

Area 7.

Play "2.AI" (No aircraft to unlock, must play to unlock next mission).

Play "4. ANTI-SHIP" (No aircraft to unlock, must play to unlock next mission).

Play "10.AI" to unlock the F-22

Play the rest of the game until the end. When you get back to the main screen, load your saved data and go back into the game missions and play them as lissed below. You need to replay a few of them to unlock more aircraft.

Area 1.

Play "the only stage here" to unlock the F-14B.

Area 2.

Play "Tactical Mission1" to unlock the OA-10A

Area 3.

Play "9.ANTI-SHIP" to unlock the F-2

Play "STRATEGIC MISSION" to unlock the F-2B.

Area 4.

Play "STRATEGIC MISSION" to unlock the MiG 29A.

Play "Sub Mission 10" to unlock the Mig 29S

Area 5.

Play "6.ANTI-SHIP" to unlock the F-16AM

Play "Sub Mission 4" to unlock the JAS 39C

Area 7.

Play "7.CAP" to unlock the F-35C.

Now now go to the main screen and change you difficulty to the hardest setting and beet it out with all the aircraft you have unlocked already. This will open up "Hell" difficulity. Beeting each level of "Hell" difficlty and you will unlock a new aircraft or paint skin for an aircraft you already have.

Have fun. :-)


Welcome To My Little Space On GameSpot

First off once again welcome to my little space here on GameSpot. As it stands I just started this account so you may not find much here. I am sure as time goes on you will find more here about me and at least a list of games that I own and wish to have as well as a list of video. Seeing how I can not upload video here at this time you can find my videos on YouTube at: A little bit about myself. I am an older game player (at this time I am 41 years old) of a family of game players (even my dad played video games) and a dad of game players. I have found that video games have bridged any and all gaps between me and my sons as well as with there friends I am known as "The Cool Dad". Needless to say, that puts a smile on my face anytime I hear that come out of there mouths. I have found that when I put a game controller in any of my son's hands, they tend to let there guard down and we really can talk openly between each other. Not that my sons have a hard time talking to me, just the talk starts out a lot sooner then without the video game system being there. What I plan on doing here. Well I have already listed what games I own as well as rated each one of them ( that can be found under "Games Lists" ). I have been thinking about posting reviews about what I think of each game I own or tried out via my GameFly account, but I am not sure how good I will be at that. I guess I will never know until I try. I would also like to post video game play content here, but at this time I don't have the "rank" to do so. So to see any of my videos you need to go to the aforementioned YouTube channel. Well that's about all I can think of posting so far, I am sure there will be more to come. :-)