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Shooter Games and their development (+crypto topic)

Do you remember those times, when shooters were just becoming being popular, when there were no platforms to play on or to comment on, and now we are moving to the world of cyberspace and extremely realistic games. There can appear few questions: "which games are better? what is better in this or that?" Recently I ran into an article about monetization of games, which is "not that popular right now", but it needs to be developed. I've tried to find out some more info by myself and you know what.. I ran into the topic of including crypto in the gaming area. There were not so many examples, some failed projects and etc., but for now, one of them is live, as the topic is directly connected to Shooters, it is one of them. You can find more information about this topic thank to WAR FIELD Game, the whole strategy is based on creating it's own crypto-platform. Do you have any other examples of easy ingame purchases and something kind of related to crypto?