crsx's forum posts
After reading all the posts am I the only one that went through hell just to get one game? It was like a madhouse never seen it so busy in there. The madness of it all was man people there didn't even care who you bumped into. That Gamestop store was filled to capacity and it was hot as hell inside. After waiting in line for about what it felt like an hour but was only 30 minutes I finally bought my copy of Tekken 6. Thank god I don't work sales. Because I don't know how you guys do it. I'd hate to work on this very day.
the gravity gun in halo would be awesome!
Anyone remember in Gran Turismo during the license testing. There were a few tests where you had to go in a circle in the rain. I used to love that test! I'd go backwards just to go pratice drifting around. I wish they had tracks like that
Yes you will as long you don't mail the HDD with your system. Take that out first and keep it in a safe place.Hey guys my 360 recently RROD'ed on me and I'm going to send it in for repair soon. My question is will I be able to retain my gamertag, saved games and DLC? If so how do I do so?
I hope they got rid of the test tracks. I hated them. Just keep authentic tracks please Turn 10!
is it just an empty airfield? or can you customize it? be an awesome if you can make the top gear track into that
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