@inappropriate12: Do you realise the sheer amount of reviews a AAA game gets. It's impossible to pay off each and everyone for favourable reviews. The vast majority is that this right here is one of the best game of this generation. I'll suggest playing it with an open mind rather than cribbing about it.
@michellebennet: More than half of the defects you said are true for Xbox also. In regards to backwards compatibility, it is very obvious that no-one really cares about it, ever since it was announced by Microsoft for the Xbox, you didn't see a tremendous growth in sales or soo. Game crashes? The freaking UI on the Xbox hangs is as slow as a grandma. What you smoking there?
@michellebennet: Xbox showed the next installment of an annual franchise, a broken mess of a game and a console that hasn't helped them to catch up-to the competition and they won? Delusional.
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