:cry: :cry: :cry:
I miss my best friends, and all of my other friends.
I wanna go back to my old school.
Mom is freaking out because she wants me to wait for awhile, aka, wait until the whole school year is over.
Everybody knows each other and their sister, and I don't know anybody or where anything is.
I miss my old school SO much. I almost knew everyone at my old school, even if I didn't know them very well...
Everything that I wanted at my new school, turned out to already be at my old school.
I guess it is true, ya don't know what ya got til' it's gone.
Things are looking grim.
Keyboarding- Fun, I found my own way of how to keyboard and now I have to start over.
Band- I barely know half the notes and we're sight reading!!! The pieces we're sight reading have notes that I don't know. AHHHHH!!!
History- We had to work on a project in groups of three. Nobody wanted me to work with their group, but luckily the teacher let Carly, Hannah, Brianna (spelt it wrong last time), and me pair up in a group of four.
Gym- GAWR, I HATE GYM!!! Wearing shorts...(buzzer sounds) NO WAY!!!
English- Everyone thinks I'm weird because English is my favorite subject and I love to write. Besides I like the teacher, and everyone thinks that she's mean. :cry:
Not to mention I'm not going to have anymore time to write my stories from driving home to school, to my dad putting passwords on the computer.
*bangs head on desk*
This year looks grim... :cry:
I'm crying while writing this, I can barely see the screen.
I feel so lonely...can this year get any better?
I hope everyone else is doing okay...
-Chrissy :cry: