I BOUGHT A DVD OF THEM BOTH!!! I bought a movie of Case Closed, and another one before that which had some episodes that are WAY into the show. Did I mention Case Closed is my favorite anime?!? WELL IT IS!!! And I also bought some episodes of Full Metal Alchemist...so I'm gonna go watch them soon!!! I also made a picture for Case Closed...hmmm...let's see I'm gonna go get it...
Well, the image didn't fit on this page, so I'm just gonna put the link...
Well...I don't really know why I made this blog, just felt like sharing that...oh! and I made some DP videos. If you go to livevideo.com and look up 'sadtosay' you can find some of my videos there...I don't have very many, but they're pretty good so check em' out!
Oh, and I broke up with my boyfriend...we don't talk much anymore. *shrugs* Oh well, I'm over it.
Cya later peoplez!