I read the article yesterday where Bioware said they were pleased with Mass Effect: Andromeda and were looking forward to the future of the franchise. Heh, I suppose they were looking forward to shelving it. Ridiculous that social political views can ruin a franchise (Like Deus Ex, though they were ridiculed for not being sensitive enough? Whatever, must be a Montreal thing). This game was screwed from the start. A budget that was a third of what it should have been based on the franchise and past sales. The marketing budget being part of their $40 million allocated to the game. A licensing fee for the Frostbite engine even though EA owns it and insisted upon it to save money over Unreal (which the previous three games were made in). A new team of loud idealistic 3rd wave employees, Casey Hudson throwing his hands up in defeat mid project (I might have too given all the nonsense), no re-usable assets since they switched the darn game engines.
This game should have taken 3 years, dropped agendas, had a larger budget with a more skilled team... Yeah, when footage from 2014 of the game looks better than release there is a serious problem. When I watched the Vanquished trailer I thought "Hey, ME:A fighting style, but better graphics and more fluid. Sweet."
As EA always does, even though the game grossed over $220 million in sales, minus the 40 million development cost (oh, 5 million of that was also allocated to Multiplayer support, and 3 million to future patching and DLC I believe) it has essentially made a paltry profit of $180 million usd, which is a fail, since EA thought they would be over, yes over, $360 million USD after selling the expected 6 million copies the FIRST WEEK at 59.99 when you added in Micro-transactions and collector's edition wastes of money; their solution is not "We should fix this", it's OK, shelve the franchise. We don't do freebies like lots of other companies when we make mistakes, we move on. Don't bother with the single player. It's too broken. We would have to make too many changes, and to be cost effective people would have to buy a full DLC at 29.99, otherwise we'd would not be making enough money on it. We'll focus on Balancing Multi-Player! Really? That's where the majority of the patch money goes? *Bangs head on desk*. How about the horrible lighting effects? The fact that male Ryder's arms are almost 6" (scale wise to his height in game) too short. Maybe add more than one fricken Asari face model besides PeeBee's?
Bioware and EA have a better shot at seeing Pluto with the naked eye than getting me to purchase anything non-sports related for quite awhile. I'd have to be hyped (Like the first time I saw a Final Fantasy 7 screenshot back in 1997 hyped) about their new ip to even give it a thought.
Brilliant EA. Bioware Montreal was hamstrung throughout production from day one, at the type of game they are best at based in a well established gaming universe; the most successful sci-fi crpg universe ever, and they still ruined it . Let's encourage a new IP focusing on what they are worst at! Fricken genius! Don't fix the game, move people to work on Star Wars Battlefront II with DICE (Which after the first reboot I'm not touching regardless of reviews, trailers, or my own love of Star Wars), or the new revolutionary multi-platform High Action game that promises to do things no one has even thought of across platforms. I wonder if I'll have to buy an iPad to suppliment my Galaxy and PC to get the all the game content, or if they really go all out and force people to have the 4 major gaming platforms (PC, XB, PS, and Nintendo) along with mobile to get the full experience.
It's no wonder EA was voted the worst company in video games and entertainment the last 2 years, and 2017 could make it a trifecta.
If you could not tell, I am disgusted. I was excited about Prey, then watched 3 hours of gameplay and realized, wow, this is not what I expected. This isn't the spiritual successor to System Shock or Bioshock. This is, well I like stealth shooters with rpg elements, love horror, but besides the stealth, well there was little to it that appealed to me. Literally, the only game I am looking forward as of right now (even counting older ones I did not play) is Cyberpunk 2077. Maybe Star Citizen. All this political correctness along with the EAs' and Activisions' of the last 5 years have literally ruined gaming for me. Deus EX: HR was the last game that I really enjoyed. That's pitiful from someone who has been gaming for 30 years.
I ran Oblivion fine with an ATi x700 pro 256 ddr3. I had everything maxed, distant lands and all, with a dip to, maybe, 30 frames per second according to FRAPS on a subpar rig (P4 3.0, 2 gigs ddr1 3200 R.A.M.). People need to learn to optimize their components. 30 F.P.S. was the dip, not the norm.
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