@Tandem_Toad I disagree with you regarding Nintendo dropping out. I'm not a Nintendo owner. I did own all the previous Nintendo gaming systems prior to the Wii, but wasn't entirely impressed with it for my needs. However, I have two sisters and both bought the Wii for their families. They don't play games at all, but the Nintendo is a great device for their kids for sure. Nintendo's business model isn't the same as the Microsoft's or Sony's. Their business model works well for them and makes them plenty of money. Why would they drop out? They aren't really trying to get your dollar or my dollar. We're not their demographic. As a parent and gamer I chose the XBOX 360 with Kinect for my kids. I mainly use the PS3 for the games I like, but having the 360 gives me the chance to play games like Halo and Gears of War. That's just me. If I wasn't a gamer I would have just gotten the Wii for my kids and been done with it. It's less expensive and the kids really enjoy it. Also, the Wii offers a less expensive option for folks who want to game and not shell out the money required for one of the more expensive gaming systems.
@jwhdavison Thank you for the reply. Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. I believe I do understand the significance of CES. It's a huge show and I very much look forward to it each year. However, lines like, "none of the major players had chosen to use the biggest technology event in the world to tout any kind of new gaming technology," just kinda rub me the wrong way. Yes, CES is without a doubt the biggest technology event in the world. However, the gaming industry not touting their newest technology isn't a big thing. What new technology are they going to show off? There's nothing ready except for the Wii U and Nintendo has already said they were waiting for E3 to have a fully production ready machine to show off. Sony and Microsoft blew there techno wonders last year with the Kinect and the Move. Sony says the PS3 is fully a ten year lifecycle product. Microsoft did say something about the Kinect for PC. However, I think more of their audience is focused on E3 than on CES. Believe me, I'm not downplaying the significance of CES by any means. I'm more downplaying all of this conjecture about one of the gaming companies going out of business. Really, I think you only have two platforms competing. Nintendo is doing their own thing. Really, it's been the Nintendo show on it's own with the competition mainly being between MS and Sony for the core dollar. Now, please don't think I'm downplaying the quality of the content offered by Nintendo.
This is all crap. Are the CES people just concerned that their show is being effected by E3? Are they worried that E3 is bigger for video game software AND hardware now? Nintendo isn't going anywhere. They march to the beat of their own drummer. What they do they do well. If they stick to their business model and innovate in different ways than the horsepower race they will continue to be successful on the merits of their own productions. Though I can see where Microsoft is primarily a software company, XBOX has been too big a success to change right now. Why would they back out? That would be foolish at best. Sony, while they don't win every war they fight (Beta) they continue to plod on and make some really successful stuff. I don't necessarily care for all of the proprietary stuff they use. However, some of it is really good. Let's face it the Trinitron tube TVs were better than other TVs on the market and everyone started emulating Sony on that front. These proprietary memory cards for the Vita...well, that's a different story. Sony won't drop out anytime soon either. Sooner or later they will hit the nail on the head again and we're all going to be super happy with it. More conjecture that, in the end, isn't worth the disk space it's taking up.
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