I am not one to get all involved in fan boy wars. I am also a Xbox 360 player for the most part. BUT...when Sony announced the slim PS3 and that great little price, my ears perked up. I am so sick of dealing with the morons at Microsoft or Microjunk as I call it. I have told all my friends that if I have one more equiptment malfunction it will be PS3 all the way! For what you get in the PS3 the price much more favors the PS3 wthout the headaches. Just wish the PSN were to be upgraded soon?! But for now I will motor on with my Xbox Elite and can only pray that nothing else happens as I would hate for my 27,000 achievement points wasted...
ctburesch Blog
Xbox live friends
by ctburesch on Comments
I officially need some more friends on Xbox live...Ones who do not play just Call of Duty 4 ALL DAY. I have a ton of games and would like to have some more friends to play some co op with some new peoples. I am looking for some guys who are team based players too for some team ownage. I am into shooters rpg's, action adventure, horror, science fiction and any kind of spots. recently I have been playing Dead Space which I have never liked horror until this game came out. I am also getting Left for Dead next month, another horror type. I am picking up Fable 2 and Far cry 2 in a couple of days. I am very excited for Far cry 2. It has some cool game types, but the map making feature is going to rock. This is a feature all developers sjhould include in games. I always hated waiting for the developers to release new map packs or what have you. Sniping from the top of a very large mountain on the map that I amde will be just awesome. Cant wait. I am also getting James Bond next month as well as Gears of War 2, Prince of Persia, Banjoe Kazooie and Fallout 3. I am quite happy that the next few weeks are going to be crowded with very good games (hopefully). I also still stay true to teh origins of the Xbox 360 and still play Halo 3 and the original Gears of War every now and then. Though the Noobs on Halo have been driving me nuts. Xbox should put an age restriction on Xbox live. Please no kids...I dont play with kids...
The games of 08
by ctburesch on Comments
This could be the biggest year ever for games. There are a ton of games coming out the holiday 08 season for both systems (I don't really buy games for my wii as I really don't like it) From now till December there are lots of good games coming out. Here is a quick list of what I have bought or will be buying. battlefield Bad Company (currently just bought), Madden 09, Too Human, Merecenaries 2, Star Wars Force Unleashed, Call of Duty World at War, Fable 2, Lego Batman, NHL 09, Grid, Gears of War 2, fallout 3, Killzone 2, resistance 2, Spore, Dead Space, Civilaization Revolution, James Bond Quantum of Solace, Guitar Hero World Tour, Tom Clancy HAWX. Things are very full this yeare. Its a good time to be a gamer.....
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