The games of 08
by ctburesch on Comments
This could be the biggest year ever for games. There are a ton of games coming out the holiday 08 season for both systems (I don't really buy games for my wii as I really don't like it) From now till December there are lots of good games coming out. Here is a quick list of what I have bought or will be buying. battlefield Bad Company (currently just bought), Madden 09, Too Human, Merecenaries 2, Star Wars Force Unleashed, Call of Duty World at War, Fable 2, Lego Batman, NHL 09, Grid, Gears of War 2, fallout 3, Killzone 2, resistance 2, Spore, Dead Space, Civilaization Revolution, James Bond Quantum of Solace, Guitar Hero World Tour, Tom Clancy HAWX. Things are very full this yeare. Its a good time to be a gamer.....