@ShadowsDemon: "That's not untrue, but we're all very closely related in terms of culture, language (except for Turkey)".
Well, Iranians speak persian / fârsi, which is a complete different langage than any form of arabic, even tho they use a variation of the arabic alphabet ( as they used before other's civilization alaphabets, before the spread of islam, like phenician alphabet, babylonian etc)...
Of course there is similarities because of islam, but persian culture is its own culture..
the same way indonesians who are mostly muslim are not part of an arab culture... Islam culture maybe.. but i think local traditions and ethnic norms and values often outweight religion in term behaviors and worldview
I agree americans tend to lump all muslims in the same bag... but don't spread / fuel the ignorance !!
I don't think they are a minority. But i understand that some people enjoy the comic book culture / entertainement news feed. I actually enjoy some of them, when they are not just made of 20 words basically repeating the title (and serioulsy i check Kotaku / specialized movie websites for those, with actual editorial content). But i wish that stuff was separate from the gaming news, the actual reason i was visiting *GAME*spot in the first place.
As for ending up in another click bait website, you can guess i didn't painfully googled every name to end up on separate imdb profiles, but just "han solo film actors" (yeah i'm lazy). But i shouldn't even have to do that, if Gamespot wants to live up to its new "entertainment news" ambitions. I understand that they are trying a new direction and trying to expand to a broader part of pop culture. But they arent trying very hard. Its really superficial and buzzy "articles" (rehashed news, sometimes 2 days old), not as polished or analytical as some of the gaming articles are (or were).
Here they are basically dropping names like i'm supposed to know those guys and go "Aaahh" and "Oooh", without any pictures of the mentionned actors. So for me the article wasn't effective, as i had to find information from external sources. The format/implementation/fludity of the website is really unfit for those movie related articles (like i'm gonna go through a trailer on gamespot's player for exemple), without mentionning their inexistant editorial content.
Gamespot, if you want to became a mainstream movie news website, and that despite our obvious displeasure, at least please put pictures of the mentionned actors. So i don't have to google and end up on another click-bait website to see their faces and understand who you're were talking about.
Somewhat scarry. All the new tech that emerged those last 5 years (military or civil drones, VR, AR, work on AI and self learning systems...) makes me more and more feel like we are already living in a dystopian future ala Philip K.Dick. Even if i'm enthusiastic for most of that tech (not drones though) and root for them...sometimes it really creeps me out.
With that emotions analysis tech, i can already feel it will make more harm to mankind than good games in the long term.
In ten or less years that same technology will track our emotions wherever we go, with cameras, to sell us crap. "The Globe reports that Affectiva's software is already being used by advertising and market research companies to examine shoppers' reactions to advertisements."
Meaning, while we are already swarmed with adds wherever we go, soon there will be cameras strapped to the ad mediums (ad panels in the streets, on our living room tv, etc) to analyse our reactions, or even track unrelated, personal and spontaneous emotions on the fly to put the adequate product under our noses, at the right time.
Not sure i want private companies / corporations / shady third parties to know when i'm sad or happy, and be able to establish models of my comsuption behaviours when i'm in those different states of mind.
Like we weren't force fed with sh*t already and subjected to an overwhelming surveillance system.
Maybe i'm just tripping, but when we look at where we are today, it's pretty clear that any piece of tech that can be either weaponized, used to control crowds or for marketing/selling stuff, will be developped in that direction.
If you guys are interested, i refer to the " Zuboff's laws" (from Shoshana Zuboff, a PH.D social philosoph from Harvard). She developped in her book "In the Age of the Smart Machine: The Future of Work and Power" three laws about the implications of information technology :
Everything that can be automated will be automated.
Everything that can be informated will be informated.
Every digital application that can be used for surveillance and control will be used for surveillance and control.
My best christmas gift was probably a pirate copy of Jedi Knight: Jedi Outcast on PC. My father brought it from a work trip to asia... I was already a big SW fan, but I was young and not yet deep in the EU material. That game pushed me to the more mature lore of the extended universe and i started to read the books, The Thrawn Trilogy and so on... I had this game with a dozen of other pirate Star Wars games, from awesome (Rogue Squadron, TIE Fighter) to weird (SW Droidworks). Definetly the best christmas bundle of my life.
Then the first Xbox with Halo... My family got me the crystal edition, with transparent plastics. Thing was huge and looked like crafted by aliens rather than Xmas elves. I was over the moon, and god i had fun with that console.
And later, last but not least, SWOTOR... that game blew me away and changed everything i expected from video games and storytelling in general.
So... Are we talking about a prostitute murder simulation here? :) Ubisoft... you sick fucks!
I know the victims are probably going to be labelled as undercover female assassins, and The Ripper a psychotic assassin gone rogue, but i can't help to grin at the cynism of Ubisoft... I mean, they KNOW some players are going to enjoy getting in the shoes of a serial killer that guts and dismember female prostitutes, and that some will be like "now let's stab that b*tch" in front of their screen. No SJW rant here, cause, well, you can pretty do the same in lets say GTA, but i just feel like they are going trying to play on every people's secret dark thoughts, and this specific and old archetype of the psychopatic killer praying on low-morals women (that the Ripper embodies, and that influenced countless of horror litterature and slasher movies), without having the balls to admit it. And covering it with their BS templar/assassin convenient re-writing of history.
I mean if you want to play with some dark stuff, don't pick a theme you won't have any choice but to be dishonest about .
Anyway, got sick of AC at Black Flag so won't play Syndicate nor this DLC i guess.
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