In all my gaming life more or less i play strategy games and i am a huge fan of the total war series i have every single c&c that exists and i play various types of strategy games. BUT SUDENLY LIKE A GIFT FROM THE SKY HERE IT COMES
THE SPORE I think it is time to start speaking openly about our thoughts for example what do we expect from spore or what kind of things are triggered in our minds about this revolutionary concept that makes us evaluate spore not only as a game but as a potential reality.I will begin first. I do not like spore only for the reason that i will play god i also like it because it reminds me the course of the humanity were it was were it is and were it may be in the future. only this potential of getting even a little bit close to the actual evolution of the humanity and also think in the back of our minds that the conditions that our planet has to accept life any planet at every single point of the endless space could also have a civilization. this and only this aspect personally gives me a chill in the back. I expect this revolution to come in order to play the most complete and most promising game of all times that not only will change the way people think and act about games but it will change the way we think in our every day life in a positive way because it will remind us were have we been were and what were we what our forefathers done for us to be here and wha we must do in order for our race to continue to exist.
cursed_lion Blog
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