Yes, I do just feel like making a blog so I might as well let some people know what is new.
If you look to the right of the screen, you will see that I am half way done level 21. :) Yay. Also, if you look at my emblems, you will see I got a new emblem. I kinda like it because it adds to colour to my emblems insted of having the same colours. You could have gotten that emblem if you tuned in for Gamespot After Hours yesturday night. I ended up watching it and listening to it for a few hours until I watched a movie of my own...
Havn't really done much more other than get my post count 50 away from 3k. Also, I in the last week abouts I have been promoted officer in 3 more unions... So that brings up my toll to 18 I think... :o
That is all that is really new for now and I hope in the next week some new stuff will occur so I can write about it. Well then, bye for now... ;)