Hmph... We now have something on our profiles called profile views... I am not sure 100% how it works but I know what it means... I guess we will all find out what this new feature is over the next few days as we all explore this feature.
Also, I have written two new reviews. One of, I do not care for that much but I wrote it, and the other, it is pretty good... Not the most lengthyest of reviews, but long enough to get the word out.
Almost forgot! What is my title all about? Well, if you could not have been on Gamespot earlier today, you missed a great show! Yes, Gamespot had a mini Wii marathon!! I was able to catch the majority of the show! What a waste of my day, but was it worth it! I can't believe I saw what I saw! It is only a matter of time now before what I saw will become realtiy for me. Only another week and a half, to two weeks for me before I get myself a Wii. Oh yea, if you would like to check it out, go to the home page and it is right there. You won't regret it.