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The Proxy Pylon and Starcraft II patch 1.1 update

As a Protoss player, i have been studying up on my pylon placements. from what i have learnt, this is a very crucial part of the game.

as i have read on some

Ive tried this strategy, only suit for Delta Quadrant.

You create the proxy pylon (in the niftty corner, outside their exanpsion) this strategy has been on butim just refining it.

This is not my image, but you get the idea

As you can see, the pylon is place just outside their expansion, giving extremely easy access to their base. From my expirience, it is nice to warp in 4 zealots straight off the bat (yes, you have 4 warpgates). while doing this, you should be producing the dark templar shrine. dont attack with these zealots unless you need to. these are just a cover, or to kill any detector.

Most of the time, players dont scout this pylon. it seems uncommon. and this is VERY effective agaisnt zerg. not so much agaisnt terran, but its still a great trick for this map.

For the next proxy pylon place ive find (im not sure if others have found it) is on Tarsonis Assault 2v2 map. this is alot hard to scout for other players, unless they have flying (and they fly across and spot it)

As you can see, you have a small amount of room to warp in unit in their base. this is the same deal as for DQ. its very effective especially agaisnt zerg.

And before i forget, I have read that the new Starcraft II 1.1 patch is being released this tuesday 21st of september.

I hope this blog has helped you. Thankyou for reading!!