there is no set date as to when they will be out though. Like the last guy said when they are done making there new maps then the heroic pack will become free.
yeah I know and an E 74 has something to do with the av cable and my 360 is not able to read it or something like that. I googled it but didn't really find anything. But yeah my 360 is a b***
I bought the wii a couple of weeks ago and I have been consumed by zelda. Well I guess my 360 got jealous because as everyone knows the halo 3 beta has come out so I was excited to but my 360 in and play the beta. But to my dismay the 360 has an e 74 error and I have to send it to microsoft to get it fixed. That sucked so much to me! Anyone think if I give it some lovin that it'll work for me again?
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