Don't get me wrong but its much easier to shot a few bullets and their dead in COD 4 than to actually have a plan of attack when you go against someone who can still kill you even if you shoot him 3 times
I agree the 360 is better in the shooter genre but not by that much Killzone 2 and resistance 1 and 2 are spectacular shooters and are better than many shooters on that 360 list i have not played uncharted 2 or MAG so I have no opinion on those games. I prefer 360 shooters on multiplat because my opinion is that xbox live is better than PSN. I don't play PC games so I can't say anything about them
i don't see Odst getting a 7.5 just because more popular game series get higher scores because they are well known. I mean alot of sequels wouldn't have gotten a 10 if they where the first game in the series
I don't think it will be that big its still some pretty cool technology but i don't see myself buying it when its brand new and there aren't many good games out for it yet because I'd rather just wait and see how it does and if the games are any good
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