- cyberpunk_2077’s Activity
Cyber punk sequel? Everything they didn’t add to the first game being bundled and rehashed as a sequel.
This is why you gotta love gamepass, I’ve saved so much on my stacked 3 years of gamepass ultimate.
@mgvsquared: sorry but you certainly are part of the problem. Go validate this bs to people who care. I’m glad most folks in the comment feed sees through the crap these companies are trying.
This makes me sick and concerned for the future of gaming as we know it.
@dlist4ever: oh wow this is so true, I didn’t quite put the thought into it.You’ve made valid points regarding the amibos and their own desirability etc.In general there are some that can’t be satisfi...
I’ve got a few nfc tags I can upload the amibo into, buuut this isn’t a good thing Nintendo are doing. Bit sneaky.
The author was hoping for more GTA and less Cyberpunk.
Ps5 may have something to do with polish.As annoying as it is...we'll have to hold out.
Or its cheaper to avoid the extra cgi bills.
Ok this review does it for me. Definitely getting this!
When hype gets to something before I do...I generally never enjoy watching or playing it.
Just got the GOTY version for ps4...cant wait to play this again but with the expansions.
@Tekarukite: You're right as i have lumped a lot together. I admit i have come across too harsh with no real credibility given that i havent played their recent titles.I shall give FC5 a go thats for ...
@deviltaz35: thanks for the response. Ill certainly give FC5 a go as i have had it in the back of my wants list.Its promising to hear the feedback youve highlighted.Perhaps my original comment is a bi...
Hmm strange decision indeed.
@peterhorner1867: ive not played the titles you've referred to. Im sure the games stories you've played were good.But they just seem like reskins of their former.With regards to my comment. Its more t...
We need reviews like this. May be one day the aaa devs will decide to actually make games of quality and move away from suprise mechanics.
@Ragnarok1051: i know right?
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