Cyber punk sequel? Everything they didn’t add to the first game being bundled and rehashed as a sequel.
@mgvsquared: sorry but you certainly are part of the problem. Go validate this bs to people who care. I’m glad most folks in the comment feed sees through the crap these companies are trying.
@dlist4ever: oh wow this is so true, I didn’t quite put the thought into it.You’ve made valid points regarding the amibos and their own desirability etc.In general there are some that can’t be satisfied given this day and age we are in.I look forward to this release, I’ve got my diy cards for the botw bonuses somewhere 😊 wonder if they’ll also have some rewards.
I’ve got a few nfc tags I can upload the amibo into, buuut this isn’t a good thing Nintendo are doing. Bit sneaky.
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