Kerrigan looks sick and hot at the same time it's just crazy!!! LOL at cute marine figures and hand sanitizer... and a big wow at Starcraft II... I really forgot how awesome Starcraft really was... Thumbs up! look forward to more of these :)
I thought Resident Evil 5 did pretty alright (a little biasness here) not the best but acceptble... definitely MGS has one of the best... there is no need to question kojima here... final fantasies also have great narratives...
When is an addiction considered an addiction? Is it an addiction only when you consciously go back for more or when you do it unconsciously? Star77241 makes a solid point that when there is a problem then it's an addiction. My question now is this, is this like drugs? does it mean regardless of who you are you're gonna get hooked? or is there a way to prevent the problem?
I think this is a really good article... it gives us an idea what to look out for when we plan to change the HDD for the PS3... I like how they compared the installation times and the loading times. Great info to know. Now all I've got to do is to wait for these drives to get cheaper... =)
I don't really see the importance of the rumble mechanism though. I feel the Sixaxis is already good enough. The DS3 is much heavier and costly and those 2 downsides alone do not outweigh the benefits of the rumble. Sighs. I would have chosen the cheaper Sixaxis anyday.
I've been to AU several times before and I realise that the games there are all severely overpriced... 89.90 for a PC game?! come on Amazon has the same game at 49.90 US which is basically around ard 59.90 AUD or 69.90 AUD. Censoring to cut price is just a huge excuse. You guys there are already paying a premium to get games. So if they still insist on not letting you enjoy the game in all it's glory, follow what Mr Fisty says. Import it.
I think to a certain extend is a good thing. When you don't have a credit card to get the game from online stores than clearly you're not ready to play the game. Whoever said gaming was a cheap hobby must be nuts...
cyw1988's comments