d-rtyboy's forum posts

I don't have time for that nonsenseZombieKiller7Then how do you have time to come here and respond to troll thread? You want to talk about nonsense.
Its gotta be the PS2 man. Its the most unanimous answer anytime one of these polls come upSPYDER0416I don't understand that at all, because I got a PS2 and I hated it. It's because of the PS2 that I vowed never to buy a console ever again. I was just so burnt on that thing. The color was horrendous and made it unplayable. Even 3D Saturn games were more colorful. The reds looked like browns and the blues looked greyish. I tried for the life of me to get the color right, but it was not my TV or monitor. It was the PS2. All my other systems color was fine. I even tried hooking it up through my vidcap card and it still looked like crap, but all my other systems and DVD player were fine. I asked on several forums and I was not the only one to have this problem.
And pc-gamer (and console gamer), thank nintendo on both your knees and kiss their feet because the wii-u will trigger the next gen. If it was for sony and microsoft we would be stuck with this kind of game technology till 2020evildead6789I see what you're saying here, but there is more to it than that. I mean, PC gaming has hit a rough spot because games like Crysis didn't sell very well for a myriad of reasons. Mainly I think because of piracy and people whining that their systems couldn't handle the game. Plus, there are legions of uber-nerds who will relentlessly bash a reasonably well done game because it does not live up their lofty untenable expectations. This is why PC gaming is in a slump that it will probably never recover from. Had Crysis been as successful as some of the top console games, like GTA (just for example) then we would see PC technology being pushed to the limit. Pre-Crysis PC gaming had a future, but now we can only hope that some dev studio comes up and gives us a gem every now and again and then goes bankrupt because there's just not enough money to fund projects like Crysis with the monetary returns your average PC game gets.
[QUOTE="Cherokee_Jack"]Gravis Eliminator Aftershock in storage somewhere.PC4lifeman2233The sticks being at the top kinda makes the grips useless doesn't it? What a horrible controller design... Hm.. That's the opposite complaint about my PS3 controller. The sticks are too close together and my thumbs sometimes bump into each other.

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