Done the walk and Karaoke, report, keep in mind that I have posted this on myspace so it was aimed for my friend sbut just in case you guys were interested lol
Lap 1 - Easy, tried to get MP3 working and eventually did, man I need new headphones LOL. It only took me 4 or so minutes to walk it LOL. I had a lot of fun this one, had a talk with Mr Higgins about my mp3 and filesharing, I told him that I didn't use a program but I used forums and message boards. I was listening to Live Motorhead - The Game at the time LOL. At the start, I was listening to Tatanka's newest theme, and I couldn't help but do the "Aieyiyiyiy eee eee eee" with the tune and do the native american hop LOL. Quite funny.
Lap 2 - Again, quite easy. Everyone ignored the rule to stay with form class until Third Lap lol, caught up with Ryan and then kept walking, 6 mins. Best lap with the MP3 Player LOL, I got songs in both ears this time LOL.
Lap 3 - Caught up with Stew and Ewan after running the lenght of the field lol, POSERZ cheering me on, quite hard, 5 mins. I did have fun in this round LOL so it wasn't all bad.
Lap 4 - Worst lap, 20 mins as I had a massive ass stitch in my side after all that running LOL. Decided, Screw the Player, it aint working that well so lets let it rest.
Lap 5 - Slightly better, 10 mins. I walked with Stew and Ewan for most of it LOL, passed Karla who said Hi.
Lap 6 - 5 Mins. Spoke to Mr Tom (Or whatever) about him wanting to use A-Bay for a project with his now S3's. I said that he could and he thanked me.
Lap 7 - Caught up with Stew again and got a bigger stitch, 15 mins, I was in complete and utter agony at the end of this one.
Lap 8 - Walked with Stew after he had caught up LOL, 10 mins. Rested at start and talked to Mrs Duff LOL, the rest done me a world of good
Sung Always by Saliva :P I was great. The POSERZ sang as well with some other people, I think I was quite good, I am gonna ask Sara if she can send me my performance. I do have real talent, even though I was cut off 3/4 of the way through to save time >:(. Doesn't matter, I got a loud cheer after it LOL, tons of people were recording it. It was excellent
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