God, I had to be a mediator in basketball. I was captain, and I picked 2 good girls. Now, the 2 boys who I picked were good friends but were not happy because I used to fancy the 2 girls, so they said I picked them on Looks. I said that I picked them because of talent, which was true because they were excellent, and they had scored more than the 2 boys. It got heated, but the girls didn't hear it. I broke it to them and they were upset. What should I do? I do not want the girls to be hurt, but I do not want to lose my friends either. And to add to it all, my good leg got cut up, and I came down bad on my bad leg. Meh, could have been worse, the cut happened when I fell and hit the wall hard. If it had been my bad leg, it would have been Curtains for my leg.
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