I've recently discovered that airing your views on a Gamespot forum will usually result in abuse from rabid, uninformed fanboys and a one week suspension. With that in mind I’ve decided to resort to a blog. Of course no one is going to read it but at least I can look back and wonder just what in the Hell I was thinking that day.
I've been gaming for a long time. The first game I ever owned (and completed) was Sonic the Hedgehog on the MSX and I just thought it was the best thing (sadly the Sonic franchise has gone to Hell). From there on I've owned every major console that came out. I always bought Sega consoles first and then Nintendo when the price went down. Makes sense really when you consider I loved Sonic and thought Mario was just a fat guy in a hat who took drugs to make himself feel big.
Until recently I would consider the 16bit era the best time to be a gamer. Although this is probably because during that time I had my first girlfriend who would make out with me each time I beat a level in Final Fight. Sadly I could only ever get as far as level three and we broke up due to boredom (on her part).
Our current gen (360, PS3, Wii) may be fresh but for me it seems like the best already. Microsoft are making a great deal of effort this time (and it shows), Sony have a strong hold on the market and as such are attempting to introduce a new media format to the world which will either flop or give us all something new that will be truly useful. Finally, the Wii is here, prioritising gameplay over graphics, physics, sound and everything else really but try to remember the FUN factor people because fun sells…….right?
Best of all this gen has online on all systems and that is by far the best thing to happen to gaming. Yes, PC online has been around for a long time but now the casuals are getting online (more on this later). Online opens a whole new angle on gaming. On one hand you can be fighting a questionable version of "Mr. Motivator" on "Smackdown Vs. Raw 2007" and on the other you could be pushing back the Locust Horde with someone you've only just met in "Gears of War". I love online gaming and you'd find me on everything from "Counter Strike: Source" and "World of Warcraft" to "Burnout Revenge" and "Splinter Cell". You should be able to see my Xbox Live gamertag to the right so feel free to add me if you wanna get beat (drop me a message to so I know where the request is coming from). I also use Xfire so drop me a message if you want my username.
At the moment my Xbox 360 and PC are my main picks for gaming. For my 360 I have 14 games and my PC, well I've spent and borrowed more money on my PC gaming habit than I care to think about.
Casuals and gaming is kinda a two sided argument. On one side it’s great to have a lot of people on every game but on the other hand you have the smack talking, the screaming, the quitting and the 10 year old wannabe gangsters. You also have the script kiddies who can't play a match without modding, flat out cheating or exploiting glitches (super jump, anyone?). If you fire up online and end up in the wrong match it could put you off forever, don't let it.
My girlfriend and I used to play a lot of Halo 2 online but that game is now dominated with kids who know more swear words than I do (although I think they make some of them up). You also have lots of wannabe gangsters on there. After being beat by a modding 12 year old and hearing "Did you like that, did you like that?? You suck, you suck!!” it does get a bit tiresome. Of course when you win you're treated to more insults like "Shut up, you're a noob - come on, I'll play you one on one!!" Even after you've left they send friend requests so they can annoy you further and as if you'd accept!
Halo 2 did have some good days though. When my girlfriend started playing she wasn't exactly the best aim so she ran about the whole time mashing the B button and getting melee kills. She’s better now, she has even (...ahem) beat me on occasion. Now we have two games of choice; Gears of War and Call of Duty 3. I should point out that she only learned to play Gears because of my fascination of the game. She warmed to Call of Duty 3 (haven't never played a CoD game) because she thought the noises soldiers made when they died was hilarious. So much for the developers putting all that time, money and effort into graphics and gameplay when all they really needed was funny gurgling sounds.
That’s all for now (and it’s probably too much). Till next time.
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